Thursday 16 January 2025

Izotsha primary School
Izotsha Primary School has established itself as a leading Primary School on the Lower South Coast of KwaZulu Natal. The school is nestled amongst sugar cane fields and surrounded by farm dams creating a quiet country environment in the middle of the lower South Coast.

Izotsha Primary School has much to offer parents and children, including:
Dedicated staff members
  • Well maintained buildings
  • Media Centre and Computer Centre
  • Interactive whiteboards in each classroom from grades R - 7
  • Suitable Teacher / Pupil ratio
  • Swimming pool and sports fields
  • Multi-purpose sports centre
  • Busy, productive and happy atmosphere
  • A very active extra-curricular and sport programme
  • An active emphasis on instilling discipline, values and manners
The high standards of Izotsha Primary School are continuously being challenged to ever greater heights, with goals having been set to continue improving and maintaining our high standards of education and continued all round educational and sporting excellence.
Our Sponsors

Natal Power Steering and Brake - 039 682 4158